Thursday, 5 November 2009

Quieter World

I have an idea for a spin off from Quiet World. For lack of a better name i'm currently referring to it as Quieter World.

The bare bones of the idea is to invite people to make a recording of their immediate surroundings wherever they happen to be at a certain time for, say, five minutes. These would then be archived via the QW site as free downloads.

a new time is then set for another week, month, whenever. kinda like a global audio snapshot.

it might be fun?

if you're interested get in touch.

beer is good...

mornings, less so.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

downloading the Quiet World

Just a quick message to let y'all know that the download page at has been significantly updated to be both easier to use and also to include many of the more recently sold out titles.

It's cold here but there is beer in my near future, bean stew in my nearer future and fireworks tomorrow - yay for fireworks.