Saturday, 12 November 2011

new music abounds

it's been a little while since I've had the opportunity to post anything here but I have 5 minutes spare so here goes.

been a turbulent couple of months here. After all the health issues I had last year it was my partners turn this year. It's been a shitty time (for her especially) but she's on the up at the moment.

there's a new issue of Wonderful Wooden Reasons finally gone online. The zine is by far the most time consuming of my hobbies and so it's the one that suffers whenever things go skewiff. I'm going to try and get a few more smaller postings done before the end of the year.

my main mission for this year is to do more with Quiet World. It's off to a good start. three new releases in the last 2 months by myself, Sujo and Susan Matthews. there are loads more lined up but i'm not going to jinx them by mentioning any names until i have the music in my hand.

each release is limited to 50 copies with a signed and numbered QW card. they look real nice and everyone has brought their 'A' game.

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