Wednesday, 19 December 2012

One more day to go...

and then two glorious weeks of holidays.

it's been a long term this one and my head is frazzled.

I'm going to spend as much of the next fortnight as possible reading.  maybe get some walks in, drink some booze, listen to some tunes, get a couple of issues of WWR online but mostly read.  i have shelves full of unread novels and I'm going to give them a kicking this holiday and just escape into as many fictional places as i can possible fit into.

there'll be the last actual issue of Wonderful Wooden Reasons for 2012 online this Sunday with a best of following a week later.

going to make some additions to the zine next year.  it's something I'm looking forward to and I hope you'll enjoy.  there's a few things in the pipeline that'll be added in slowly through the year.  the main priority though is regular monthly (at the very least), hopefully more often, issues.

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